Alice's Garden

VR-assisted training game for knee rehabilitation.
Virtual Reality
Project Info
Future Sponsor
Peking University Third Hospital; Unity Shanghai Branch
Foundation -- Start from scratch
Deliverable -- Unity Prototype
Apr - May 2017 | 6 week
Unity, Kinect, HTC Vive, C#, Photoshop
My Contribution
User Researcher, Modeler, Scene Designer
Teammates' contributions
Yanting Bi -- Product Manager
Jingyi Zhou -- Kinect Programmer
Zixuan Zhang -- Unity Programmer
Peiying Xu -- Kinect Programmer
Yuhan Bian -- Script Writer
Knee injury is one of the most common athletic injuries. However, due to physical limitations as well as expensive professional training tuitions, traditional rehabilitation training is not only time-consuming but also financially unaffordable for the public. Moreover, the repeating postures may be boring for them.
Therefore, we decided to develop a VR-assisted training game to improve knee injury rehabilitation. This game exploits VR technology, together with the somatosensory recognition of Kinect and HTC Vive as the hardware device, aiming to recreate Alice's Garden (from Alice in Wonderland) to help users regain function with fun.

Final Demo